The Complete Development Environment for the Commander X16.

Project File

Using a project file is the easiest way to control your project.

It is a standard json file. The extension has embedded json schema definition to aid editing.


The following properties can be used:

Name Type Description
StartStepping boolean Start the debugging stepping.
Source string Main source file.
DirectRun bool Directly run the compiled code, or if false compile the source and add it as a file to the SD Card.
AutobootRun bool Run the main application by creating a AUTOBOOT.X16 file. This will not overwrite if the file already exists.
OutputFolder string Location to save the .prg and other files from the source file on the host. (Not on the sdcard.)
StartAddress int Start address. If omitted or -1, will start the ROM normally from the vector at $fffc.
RomFile string Override the default ROM file to use.
EmulatorDirectory string Folder for the official X16 Emulator. The rom.bin file from this directory will be used if not set by RomFile. Symbols for the ROM banks will also be loaded from here, using the names from RomBankNames + .sym extension.
Symbols SymbolsFile[] List of files that can be imported for symbols.
RomBankNames string[] Display names for the Rom banks.
RamBankNames string[] Display names for the Ram banks.
Machine string Machine to load globals from if there is no bmasm source.
KeyboardBuffer byte[] Prefill the keyboard buffer with this data. 16bytes max, rest are discarded.
MouseBuffer byte[] Prefill the mouse buffer with this data. 8bytes max, rest are discarded.
NvRam RtcNvram RTC NvRam Data.
SdCard string SD Card image to start with.
SdCardFiles SdCardFile[] Files to add to the root directory of the SD Card. Wildcards accepted.
Cartridge string Cartridge file to load.
CompileOptions CompileOptions Compilation Options.
MemoryFillValue byte Value to fill CPU RAM and VRAM with at startup.
BasePath string Base Path, should try to use this for all other paths.
Files DebugProjectFile Files to be debugged.

SD Card File

Files are added in order that they are included within the project.json file.

Name Type Description
Source string File selection on the local machine. Wildcards and directories accepted.
Dest string Location on the SDCard to place the files.
AllowOverwrite bool Allow overwriting of files on the SDCard.

Symbols File

Name Type Description
Symbols string Filename for the symbols file.
RomBank int? ROM bank that the symbols are for. Omit if not a rombank file. If set any symbols in the ROM area will be discarded.
RamBank int? RAM bank that the symbols are for. Omit if not a rambank file. If set any symbols in the RAM area will be discarded.
Filename string X16 Filename that the symbols are for. Omit if not a X16 binary.
RangeDefinitions RangeDefinition[] Range of memory that is a jump table. Used to create extra symbols.

Range Definition

Name Type Description
Start string Start address of the jump table.
End string End address of the jump table.
Type string Type of definition, supported : ‘jumptable’

Rtc Nvram

Name Type Description
File string Filename to load into 0x00 -> 0x60 in the RTCs NVRAM. Not used if Data has values.
Data byte[] Data to load into 0x00 -> 0x60 in the RTCs NVRAM.
WriteFile string Filename to store the RTCs NVRAM in. This will overwrite.

Debug Project File

Debug Project Files have different properties depending on the Type.

Bitmagic Input File

Name Type Description
Type bitmagic Defines the input file as a BitMagic input file.
Filename string Filename of the .bmasm file.

Cc65 Input File

Name Type Description
Type cc65 Defines the input file as a Cc65 input file.
Filename string .prg file that was produced by cc65.
ObjectFile string .o file that was produced by cc65.
Config string .cfg file that was used by cc65 to link the output files.
SourcePath string Path to where the source code is located.
StartAddress int Address where the .prg will be loaded.
Includes string[] Included files.
BasePath string Base path for the cc65 project.

Compile Options

Name Type Description
DisplayVariables bool Display all the variables and their values.
DisplaySegments bool Display segments.
DisplayCode bool Display generated code.
DisplayData bool Display generated data.
Rebuild bool Force rebuild.
BinFolder string Bin folder for the dlls.